Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Unit 7 Reflection

Unit 7 was titled "The Study of House." What this is referring to is ecology. This name actually makes quite a lot of sense because in studying ecology, we study the mechanics that take place within the biosphere, which is the "house" in which we live. Some topics we covered in this unit include food chains, food webs, ecosystem energy, populations, ecosystem conservation, and much more.

At first, these topics may seem to be very different, but looking at the larger scope of things, these topics are actually quite interrelated. For example, within the food web, energy is transferred from lower trophic levels to the higher, and this energy is actually what is needed to maintain an ecosystem's health and to keep its populations balanced. Personally, my favorite part of this unit was population dynamics, as the behavior of populations as they reach the carrying capacity K and the oscillations about K seemed very intuitive and mathematical, and math is sort of my thing. In this unit, we also watched The Story of Stuff, which I took some pretty decent notes on. You can access my notes here.

So I'm pretty familiar at this point with ecology concerning organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems, but I've also heard of another type of ecology called landscape ecology and am pretty curious to maybe find out about what that is in the future.

One big project that we did during this unit was the Conservation Biologist Project (link to the video). This project really opened my eyes and really put things into perspective, the fact that ecosystems are something undeniably real and close to us. It is our duty to protect and conserve these ecosystems as as of right now, Earth is our only home (house). Some things I felt that our group did really well was the fact that we had really good communication and everybody did what they pledged to do. However, I feel that with a little more time, maybe we could have touched up the slides, recorded perhaps a bit more attempts, and also modify the content a bit more.

Overall, this unit was one of my favorite units, and I really learned quite a bit about our house, Earth.

Below I have attached a picture of logistic growth:

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